What I do
“Let’s Lifebloom Together”
I wonder how many moments in a lifetime, flowers actually lifebloom. I believe there are more lifeblooming moments than we think. Even if the person lifeblooming those flowers doesn’t realize it. I am here to assist in helping you notice the times when you have lifebloomed flowers, so that someday when you look back on your life, you’ll realize that you were lifeblooming all along.
How I do it
There are various ways to do it. Sometimes, it involves capturing photographs, while other times, we create audio content together on a podcast. It could be crafting impactful videos or simply spending time conversing. Like a reflector bouncing sunlight, Thomas J. Thomas brings light to you.
Where I live
As I operate under the name Thomas J. Thomas, people often wonder about my nationality. However, I am Japanese. Based primarily in Tokyo, Japan, I am ready to respond wherever I am called, although my current activities are limited to within Japan. With a little contribution and heartfelt intention, embrace Thomas J. Thomas for your needs.